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Membership Information
As a component organization of the Florida Music Education Association (FMEA), members of the Florida Collegiate Music Education Association (FCMEA) must be members of FMEA and NAfME (The National Association for Music Education).
Membership begins on July 1 and expires on June 30 of the following year. Dues must be current to attend FMEA's State Conference as well as apply for FCMEA grants and conference session proposals.
We offer several categories of membership:
1. Active: For those engaged in the teaching, supervision, or administration of music in higher education.
2. Associate: For those interested in the advancement of music in higher education.
3. Retired: For retired music faculty.
4. Graduate Student: For those pursuing advanced degrees who either currently or intend to engage in the teaching, supervision, or administration of music in higher education.
*Please note that only active members have the right to vote and hold office

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